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A2 Milk vs Organic Raw Milk...Which is for You?

What is A2, and why is it a good thing? Let's break it down: milk is a good source of protein. Of that protein, 30% is beta-casein, which has two variants: A1 and A2. The A1 protein has been linked to stomach discomfort and symptoms similar to lactose intolerance. The A2 protein, however, is more comparable to human breast milk (as well as goat, sheep, and buffalo milk), making it potentially easier to digest and more bioavailable.

A2 milk is now available in stores even traditional grocery stores...keep in mind, it is pasteurized.

Organic Pastures offers organic raw milk. Here is some info from Organic Pastures on organic raw milk vs pasteurized A2 milk:

Current retail available A2 branded milk is pasteurized; often UHT (ultra-high heat) pasteurized. The A2 Corporation markets their A2 protein milk as healthier for you, yet they subject the proteins to very high temperatures to prolong shelf life. How can such a highly processed food be easy to digest?

Raw milk is a whole complete food. Processed milk is not. Organic, pasture-grazed raw dairy is the best choice.

What is A2 Milk?

The science of A2/A1 is not fully understood within the industry or consumer base. What we do know is that cows with A2 genetics have one amino acid different (the beta-casein protein BCM-7 to be exact) out of the 209 Beta-casein amino acids found in milk. Beta-casein makes up approximately 30% of cow milk proteins. There are approximately 2500 different proteins found in milk and each protein has a specific function. It’s important to understand that most cows produce a mix of A1 and A2 Beta-casein. The science of how that one different amino acid affects human health is not fully understood. Once these delicate proteins are pasteurized, then they are altered from its natural state.

Is Pasteurized A2 Milk Different From Raw Milk?

Organic, pasture-grazed raw dairy is the best choice because raw milk is a whole and complete food. Processed milk is not.

Organic Pastures’ raw dairy products are simply that- products made from milk that is unprocessed, whole, and living, with all of its probiotic bacteria. NEVER pasteurized (heated), homogenized (crushed), or otherwise altered. We produce delicious world-class dairy products for you to enjoy.

Our Whole Raw Milk is unprocessed and complete with bioavailable vitamins, minerals, enzymes, beneficial bacteria, naturally occurring CLA and Omega-3 fatty acids. The ease of digestibility of Whole Raw Milk gives those that experience discomfort with processed dairy products, a delicious and natural option. Our truly happy, organic cows grass graze on lush certified organic green pasture, all year long. Simply filtered, chilled, tested, and bottled; nothing added or taken away. 100% ORGANIC. Absolutely NO antibiotics, synthetic hormones, toxic pesticides or GMO anything.

7 Ways Raw Dairy Products Contribute to Healthy Diets


Protein plays a crucial role in almost all biological processes and amino acids are the building blocks of it.


Raw dairy has an abundance of specialized and diverse gut-friendly bacteria. These amazing bacteria are one of the raw dairy’s most important nutrients! Bacteria found in raw dairy are responsible for a well-functioning immune system and support mental health.


Enzymes found in raw dairy help break down fat, protein, and have antimicrobial properties. These active enzymes have highly beneficial anti-inflammatory effects on the human body.


Lactose, or milk sugar, is the primary carbohydrate in cow’s milk. Raw milk contains lactobacilli bacteria that digest lactose, so those who can’t digest pasteurized milk will most likely have no problem with raw milk.


Good fats are very important for maintaining optimal health. Fats are needed to construct cell membranes, help with hormones, store energy, and protect our organs.


Water-soluble Vitamins found in raw dairy:

A whole lot of B’s: B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B12

Vitamin C, and folate.

Fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E, and K.

Minerals: good source of calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, selenium, and zinc.


As it has been for centuries, the fresh taste of unprocessed raw organic dairy products is pleasurable and satisfying.

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